“I must continue by faith or it is too great a burden to bear and violence, even in self-defense, creates more problems than it solves. Only a refusal to hate or kill can put an end to the chain of violence in the world and lead us toward a community where men can live together without fear. Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The 36th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration (Danforth Campus)
Monday, January 16, 2023
Graham Chapel, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
The program is free and open to the public
Student Co-Hosts:
Raevyn Ferguson, Association of Black Students, President
Miriam Silberman, Student Union, President
Beverly Wendland, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Andrew D. Martin, Ph.D., Washington University Chancellor
Geoff K. Ward, Ph.D., Professor of African and African-American Studies, Faculty Affiliate in Sociology and American Culture Studies, and Director of the WashU & Slavery Project
Black Anthology, Washington University student-run production group celebrating Black culture and the Washington University Concert Choir
Rev. Callista Isabelle, Director for Religious, Spiritual and Ethical Life
Danforth University Center, Tisch Commons
For More Information:
contact Rudolph Clay, MLK Commemoration Committee Chair, at (314) 935-5059
Email: rudolphc@wustl.edu
The commemoration is organized by the 2022-23 Washington University Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Committee (Danforth Campus):
Brenda Archie (Arts & Sciences)
Adam Brok (Campus Life)
Jacqueline Carter (Olin Business School)
Rudolph Clay Jr. (University Libraries)
Phyllis Jackson (Campus Life-Event Management)
Ashley June Moore (Arts & Sciences)