“LGBTQIA+ Mental Health and Experiences”
Hosted by LGBTQ Med with co-sponsorship from ODEI
Lunch talk and presentation with Dr. Andrea Giedinghagen on “LGBTQIA+ Mental Health and Experiences.” Dr. Giedinghagen specializes in psychitray with emphases on LGBTQIA+ youth mental health, care of transgender and gender-nonconforming youth, and trauma. This talk will include a presentation on the mental health care for the LGBTQIA+ population and this community’s experiences of both trauma and resilience. Lunches from Lona’s Lil Eats will be provided to the first 30 students to register. Please reach out to Dom Moog at d.moog@wustl.edu with any questions.
Please register to attend this event.
Location: Moore Auditorium