Events / Research Seminar: “Why So Sensitive? Towards a real time EEG read-out of the Perioperative Stress Test for the Aging Brain”

Research Seminar: “Why So Sensitive? Towards a real time EEG read-out of the Perioperative Stress Test for the Aging Brain”

4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

“Why So Sensitive? Towards a real time EEG read-out of the Perioperative Stress Test for the Aging Brain”

Featured Speaker

Miles Berger, MD, PhD Hosted by Ben Palanca
Associate Professor, Neuroanesthesiology Division
Department of Anesthesiology
Associate Biomarker Core Director, Duke/UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Duke University Medical Center

Hosted in EPNEC Seminar Room A. Please contact Amber Spies ( for the Zoom link