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Dean’s Distinguished Service Award

The Dean’s Distinguished Service Award remains the highest form of staff recognition at the School of Medicine. The award recognizes an employee for displaying ongoing commitment to exceeding job responsibilities, helping to create a positive working environment, and improving the community in which he or she lives.

Submissions typically due in March.

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Drum Major Awards

The Drum Major Awards will recognize individuals at WashU School of Medicine who embody what it means to be an upstander.

Submissions typically due in January.

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Kelley Mullen Clinical Service Award

The Kelley Mullen Clinical Service Award recognizes a clinical support staff member who consistently demonstrates ongoing acts of caring that go beyond the normally expected levels of courtesy, responsiveness, and customer service and creates a positive work environment. This award honors Kelley Mullen, a gifted nurse-clinician and administrator, who exemplified service quality and personified our clinical mission.

Submissions typically due in March.

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Operations Staff Award

The Operations Staff Award is categorized as Administrative, Facilities, or Teaching award on the School of Medicine campus. Nominees must be employed at .50 FTE or greater. These awards recognize employees for exceptional performance, outstanding leadership, and superior quality of service.

Submissions typically due in March. 

SAFE Accolades

SAFE Accolades

Report a positive experience involving a learner, staff, or faculty member.

Submissions accepted daily.