Gosia Borchardt, CRNA
Pod 2 Team Lead
Malgorzata, known as Gosia, was born in Wroclaw, Poland, and was raised there until her family moved to Chicago at the age of 15. Her family then moved to the St. Louis area for better work and living opportunities. Gosia self-taught most of her English language while adjusting to the high school life. It was then that she, with guidance of her mother, focused her education on the medical profession. She graduated from SLU with a BSN and BA and went on to pursue her MSN in nurse anesthesia at Webster University.
Gosia has been at Barnes since 2005 as her only — and what she expects to be her only — hospital and university to work for. The ortho department is favored by Gosia as she enjoys the challenges of the trauma cases that the hospital sees. She has since volunteered as a pod leader to be a voice for her fellow anesthetists and enjoys the opportunity to teach, consult and guide.
After living and working in the Central West End and having the unique ability to walk to work, she and her new husband moved to Fenton to raise a family that now includes older sister Ava and younger brother Lukas. They have moved into their forever home but have never forgotten their travels as Gosia has a great respect for the outdoors with hobbies of fishing, hiking and an extraordinary resume of summiting 4 out of the 7 summits which includes the elusive summit of Mount Everest in 2013.