Kavya Narayana Reddy, MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellow, Class of 2020
Residency: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
Medical School: M.S. Ramaiah Medical College
“My relationship with Washington University in St. Louis goes all the way back to 2011 when I worked as a Clinical Researcher in the Pediatrics Anesthesiology department. I had just arrived in the US from India. I felt very welcomed in the department by the amazing people around me. After a couple of years, I moved to the east coast to do my residency at Rutgers. When the time came for choosing a fellowship, I knew where exactly I would like my training to be.
I chose the Pediatric Anesthesia fellowship program at St. Louis Children’s Hospital because I knew that it offers a very good mix of clinical and research opportunities. I knew I would be able to train in handling complex cases. I also knew I could develop skills in regional anesthesia, which I am especially interested in. I knew I could learn from the very best faculty and co-fellows.
During my training at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, I learned a lot from my faculty, co-fellows, and the APRNs. I had a wonderful experience and training with a very sick population, complex cases, and loads of index cases. I loved my pain rotations, as they made me very confident with acute pain management and regional anesthesia skills. Outside of work, I enjoyed the huge central park, restaurants in the Central West End, and loads of fun activities for my then 6-year-old.
I am currently working as an assistant professor at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, a stand-alone children’s hospital for the state of Arkansas, with level 1 trauma, NICU, PICU, and burns unit. Training at St. Louis Children’s Hospital has made my journey as a faculty very smooth and made me confident in my skills. If I had to choose my fellowship journey again, I would not hesitate to be back in St. Louis, I love the place and the people.”