Understanding the sex-based differences in anesthetic sensitivity

Groundbreaking research uncovers sex-based differences in anesthetic sensitivity, suggesting that women may require different anesthetic management from men due to a resistance influenced by hormonal factors like testosterone.

A Day in the Life of Stephen Gregory, MD

Dr. Stephen Gregory currently serves as an assistant professor of anesthesiology in the Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology and the Division of Perioperative Medicine. He is also the medical director of the Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning (CPAP). Learn more about what a typical day is like for him at the preoperative assessment clinic.

January 12, 2024

Whether you are a New Year’s Resolution person or not, the start of a new year allows us all to reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and find ways to make positive changes in our lives. The new year serves as a significant time marker, and it provides us with a great opportunity to prioritize what we want to improve in the coming year.

Take 2 for the Team

Take 2 for the Team is an initiative and app designed to promote gratitude and positivity among our anesthesiology department’s team members. This digital peer-to-peer gratitude program encourages us all to take just 2 minutes each day to acknowledge and express gratitude towards a fellow team member.

Thanking Clinicians for 365 Days of Service

On Christmas Day this year, Dr. David Perlmutter, the Dean of WUSM, accompanied Dr. Avidan around various clinical areas, where they personally thanked WUSM and BJC clinicians for their unwavering service and dedication.