Dan Fernandez, MD

Dan Fernandez, MD

POD 2 Leader; Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology

Rocco Hüneke, MD

Rocco Hüneke, MD

POD 3 Leader; Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Selma Ishag, MBBS, MD, PhD

Selma Ishag, MBBS, MD, PhD

PACU/Remote Leader; Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Muthuraj Kanakaraj, MD, FRCA, EDIC

Muthuraj Kanakaraj, MD, FRCA, EDIC

POD 5 Leader; Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology

Menelaos Karanikolas, MD, MPH

Menelaos Karanikolas, MD, MPH

POD 5 Leader; Professor of Anesthesiology