The questions below are subject to change as policies are updated across Campus!

Last updated on January 18, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.

FAQ Categories

Symptom & Testing | Hotline | Exposure | Return to Work | Family | Sick/Vacation | Well-Being | Safe Activities

COVID Symptom & Testing Questions

For BJC employees, please visit the COVID-19 intranet site: (the Resources section also continues to be updated).

I have COVID symptoms. What do I do?
  1. DO NOT report to work if you are having any symptoms of COVID-19 (view symptoms). View Daily Self-screening.
  2. Call in as soon as possible to the appropriate person (clinical faculty and staff) and notify your supervisor.
  3. Call the COVID Hotline at 314-362-5056 (likely to need to leave a message with name, phone, clinical/work on-site vs work-from-home, brief description of symptoms).
  4. If you are able to get a test elsewhere, please do as that may be more efficient at this time. Once you have test results EMAIL them to Occupational Health at
  5. If you test positive with A HOME TEST or SALIVA TEST, this is sufficient. Additional PCR testing is NOT needed.
    1. Please send a copy of the positive test results along with the DATE of the test to occupation health.
    2. Once they receive your email you will get a follow up email with a survey regarding symptoms, onset etc. 
    3. All further correspondence will be via email.
  6. If you are symptomatic but test NEGATIVE with a home test, this is not sufficient to rule out COVID.  Please continue to obtain PCR testing either with WU/BJH or another testing facility.
  8. If you receive a negative test from a WU/BJH testing site or another PCR test from an alternate site you may auto clear yourself and return to work immediately. A HOME TEST NEGATIVE is not enough to auto clear!
  9. At this point with current testing limitations, COVID should be treated as a clinical diagnosis, especially for team members working from home. If you feel sick, it is most likely COVID. Just stay home and isolate and don’t attempt to be tested. Just assume you are positive. “If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck…. It’s probably a duck.”

More Information at the COVID-19 illness/exposure website:

What if I begin to have symptoms at work?
  1. Notify your supervisor immediately.
  2. For those working in a clinical OR setting at BJH, notify the trauma attending (314-749-6200) and Jen Mahan (314-323-1713) to begin working on relief. We will do our best to relieve you from your duties as soon as safely possible.
What do I do if it is the weekend or after hours?

BJC/WUSM Employee COVID Call Center After Hours Protocols

  1. Symptomatic employee to contact COVID Hotline at 314-362-5056 and leave voicemail including the following:
    1. name
    2. phone
    3. clinical/work on-site vs work-from-home
    4. brief description of symptoms
  2. Call Center staff to contact affected employee the following day, during normal hours of operation (may be longer wait).
  3. Call center staff can order testing and establish expectations.
What do I do if I am waiting on a COVID test from an outside facility, but I am not symptomatic?
  1. If you are asymptomatic you should report to work until proven COVID positive.
  2. You do not need to wait for negative test results nor to be cleared by Occupational Health to work.
I tested positive at a non-WashU facility. What do I do?
  1. Notify your supervisor and clinical-scheduling of your positive test and your anticipated 7-day quarantine window.
  2. EMAIL WashU Occupational Health with your positive test results at DO NOT CALL THE COVID HOTLINE! Once you have a positive test result the ONLY communication with Occupational Health should be via email. Occupational Health will continue to check in with you during quarantine and to release you back to work as early as 7 days from symptom onset.
I tested positive with a home test. What do I do?
  1. Do not come to work.
  2. If you test positive with a HOME TEST or SALIVA TEST, this is sufficient. Additional PCR testing is NOT needed. Please send a copy of the positive test results along with the DATE of the test to occupation health. Once they receive your email you will get a follow up email with a survey regarding symptoms, onset etc.  All further correspondence will be via email.
  3. EMAIL Occupational Health ( with your positive home test results to get the process started.

COVID Hotline-specific Questions

I am not able to get through to the COVID hotline. What do I do?
  1. Please leave a message once with the Occupational Health hotline if you have not already.
  2. The Hotline is intermittently reaching maximum capacity and is no longer even able to place calls on hold. If you receive a busy signal this is what is occurring. Please try to call back at a later time so that may get to a menu that allows you leave a message.  
What if I have been waiting on a call back for an extended period?
  1. Return calls may take up to 48-72 hours.
  2. You may contact your doctor or urgent care about possible testing.  

COVID Exposure Questions

What happens if I am exposed to COVID?
  1. Employees who feel that they have been exposed but remain asymptomatic should NOT seek testing through WashU or BJC do NOT Contact the COVID hotline. There will likely not be capacity to test for asymptomatic exposure surveillance for the next several weeks.
  2. Quarantine requirements for WashU Med employees who have been fully vaccinated have been relaxed based on updated guidance from the CDC. For now, you do not need to stay home if the following apply:
    1. You are fully vaccinated (it has been 14 days since you received your second dose of a two-dose series)
    2. You have remained asymptomatic since exposure.
  3. Washington University continues to offer saliva testing. This is NOT an occupational health sanctioned test however is a good option for screening. This is available to WashU employees as well as their families.  The cost of the test is $50.00 each.
I have COVID. Now what?
  1. Please take good care of yourself.
  2. If you are tested through BJC/WU and your tests results in a POSITIVE you and your supervisor will receive an email regarding the results as well as follow up information regarding return to work.
  3. Notify your supervisor as soon as possible, and the scheduling dept if you are clinical, and inform them that you will not be at work.
  4. If you are scheduled to work any OR call shifts during your quarantine period please let the scheduling team and your supervisor know that information as soon as possible!
  5. Occupational Health will share basic information with your supervisor, including the minimum 7 day quarantine period and need for release before returning to work. This information will come to your EMAIL. Please check it regularly.
  6. Asymptomatic positives still need to be cleared by OCC health.
  7. Return to work criteria after a positive test: 7 days from onset of symptoms, or 7 days from date of positive test if asymptomatic. Must be fever free without the aid of a fever reducer for 48 hours and have significantly improved symptoms and minimal cough.

I don’t have a primary doctor but COVID has made me realize I need one. What do you recommend?

Don’t forget about the WUCare program located at the Center for Advanced Medicine!

WUCare is dedicated to providing high-quality primary care. To support the health of our employees, this primary care practice is only for Washington University employees and families (age 18+) who are enrolled in the university-sponsored health plan (United Healthcare). Learn more at

Return to Work Questions

For BJC employees, please visit the COVID-19 intranet site: (the Resources section also continues to be updated).

It has been 7 days, and I feel much better. Do I need to be cleared by Occupational Health to return to work?
  1. You MUST meet all of these criteria in order to return to work:
    1. After a positive test: 7 days from onset of symptoms, or 7 days from date of positive test if asymptomatic.
    2. Must be fever free without the aid of a fever reducer for 48 hours and have significantly improved symptoms and minimal cough.
    3. You MUST BE cleared for return by Occupational Health.
  2. If you have not heard from Occupation Health and you are due to return to work please contact Erin Herrera ( ASAP to escalate the issue.
What if it has been 7 days, and I still feel miserable?

You do not need to return to work if you are sick.

Family Related Questions

For BJC employees, please visit the COVID-19 intranet site: (the Resources section also continues to be updated).

What if my family member or child has COVID?
  1. If you have a documented positive family member or child and need to stay home to care for them, you are eligible to apply for caregiver leave or FMLA. Both can be applied for via UNUM.
  2. Per WashU policy, sick time may be used for personal unplanned sick time, scheduled medical related appointments, and if an immediate family member is ill. You may use your own sick time to account for time caring for family members.
My child doesn’t have COVID but is on quarantine from school/daycare. How is my leave accounted for and what are my options?
  1. Please notify your supervisor and the scheduling team of your situation.
  2. We will work with you to try and adjust your schedule as needed.
  3. If you need time off you may use sick time.
  4. WashU provides emergency childcare and adult care options, both in home and center based. Learn more at
What are some resources for caring for people at home with COVID?

Sick Time & Vacation-related Questions

For BJC employees, please visit the COVID-19 intranet site: (the Resources section also continues to be updated).

What are my options for sick time?
  • If you have plentiful sick time, it is not necessary to apply for UNUM, though optional.
  • If you must be out more than 3 days, consider applying for UNUM/short-term medical disability leave or using caregiver leave.
  • All forms of leave are processed through UNUM. Information about STMD/FMLA/Caregiver leave and how to apply for UNUM can be found at the following links: and

If you don’t have enough sick time and no Unum coverage to cover your illness or isolation period due to COVID, the university will adopt the following pay policy to be in effect from Jan. 18 – Feb 28, 2022.  Any employee who meets the following conditions will be eligible to use up to seven (7) days of temporary COVID-19 coverage (TCC pay) when needed at their regular rate of pay through Feb. 28. 2022. To be eligible, an employee must: 

  • Be eligible for WashU benefits. 
  • Be regularly performing a job with duties that must be carried out on campus (or other WU property) and in which regular duties cannot be done remotely. 
  • Have a sick balance of zero hours, or be negative (due to borrowing from future sick time accrual).

View additional Q&A regarding TCC here.

What is the policy regarding using sick and vacation time?

A revised pay policy will go into effect Sept. 1 related to COVID-19. Under this policy, the following circumstances will be paid as follows:

  • Self-quarantine or medically directed quarantine of the employee for COVID-19 related reasons (use in the following order):
    • Use sick time.
    • If you’ve exhausted your sick time balance, apply for TCC Pay (see “What are my options for sick time?” above).
    • If you’ve exhausted your sick time balance AND your TCC Pay, use vacation time. This is inclusive of physicians ordering the quarantine of employees who are expectant mothers immediately prior to delivery for COVID-19 related reasons.
  • Diagnosis of COVID-19 for the employee (use in the following order):
    • Use sick time.
    • If you’ve exhausted your sick time balance, apply for TCC Pay (see “What are my options for sick time?” above).
    • If you’ve exhausted your sick time balance AND your TCC Pay, use vacation time in conjunction with FMLA/STMD.
  • A diagnosis of COVID-19 for a family member (use in the following order):
    • Use sick time.
    • If you’ve exhausted your sick time balance, apply for TCC Pay (see “What are my options for sick time?” above).
    • If you’ve exhausted your sick time balance AND your TCC Pay, use vacation time in conjunction with FMLA/Caregiver.
  • If receiving the COVID-19 vaccine during the workday:
    • Pay regular time.
  • If an employee has side-effects from the COVID-19 vaccination and absence is medically approved by Occupational Health (within 48 hours of receiving the vaccination):
    • use Regular Pay (Administrative Leave in Workday).
  • If an employee has an extended absence or medical issue related to receiving the COVID 19 vaccine, then Workers’ Compensation may apply.
  • Childcare responsibilities for children who were sent home due to school closing:
    • use sick time, vacation time, or establish a flexible schedule arrangement with your supervisor to fit your circumstances.

Well-Being Resources

What resources are available for mental health and well-being?
  1. We have each other.
  2. The Washington University HR department provides a variety of excellent Well-Being resources, including family care support, mental and emotional health and employee assistance programs. Please review the website for many excellent programs and options.
  3. WashU Employee Assistance Program
    Work-Life Solutions, powered by Guidance Resources, the university’s employee assistance program offers free, confidential, 24/7 support, resources, and information for every aspect of your life. As a part of their services, counselors can help you or your family members address personal challenges including:
    1. Anxiety, depression, stress
    2. Grief, loss and life adjustments
    3. Relationship/marital conflicts
    4. Employees receive five counseling sessions per issue free of charge. Call 844-365-4587 to access a Guidance Resources Consultant, who will answer your questions. Learn more at
  4. Wash U Mental Health service gives employees and their dependents — including children and adolescents — expedited access to psychiatry and psychotherapy services, with a lower co-pay. Sessions are currently provided via telehealth using a HIPAA-compliant version of Zoom. Learn more here.
  5. WashU Wellness Connection
    Wellness Connection programs are designed to help employees thrive at work and outside of work. Move Into Mindfulness.
  6. Sanvello
    Sanvello is an app that is free to all United Healthcare members that provides assistance with selfcare, peer support, therapy and coaching.
  7. Clinician Peer Support Program (314-747-1477)
    The Clinician Peer Support Program was established to help clinicians―physicians (including faculty, residents, and fellows), physician assistants, nurse practitioners, CRNA’s, and others―in coping with difficult experiences as healthcare providers. 

[Safe] Activities & Entertainment

St. Louis Mural Mile Graffiti Wall

This is a DAYTIME activity!

The Mural Mile is located along the Riverfront between Victor and Chouteau Avenues, south of the Gateway Arch. More than 250 graffiti artists from around the country came to St. Louis to add to this mural on the Mississippi River floodwall.

Watch DOGS play and have a drink!

Bring Your Own Dog (BYOD) or just go watch other dogs romp around! It’s hard not to smile being around cute dogs and good drinks!

Lone Elk Park

Go check out the STL Bison herd from the comfort of your own car! Learn more about Lone Elk Park

Laumeier Sculpture Park

Go check out the largest eyeball in STL!

I don’t have cabin fever, but I DO benefit from retail therapy?

Register with and have access to an enormous list of companies that provide great discounts to medical professionals!