Amjad Musleh, MD

Amjad Musleh, MD

Associate Professor

Amjad is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Anesthesiology & Emergency Medicine. He is one of our Emergency Medicine & Critical Care Intensivists and you can usually find him working in the ER, the 8200 ICU, or in the Community at Christian Hospital ICU. He is also one of our EMS Division faculty members working with the Des Peres Department of Public Safety.

Amjad is the oldest of seven siblings (six brothers & one sister). He was born in Baton Rouge Louisiana (Geaux Tigers!) but grew up as a nomad having lived in five states & three countries. Because of his love for the desert, he initially thought he was going to stay in New Mexico forever; having completed not only his high school & undergraduate studies there, but also medical school, residency in Emergency Medicine (2013), and fellowship in Emergency Medical Services (2017). He came to WashU because of the amazing multidisciplinary critical care fellowship program and instantly fell in love with the warmth and kindness of the people that make up the school and especially the departments of Anesthesiology & Emergency Medicine. The amazing support, acceptance, kindness, and familial feel of the place convinced him to stay on as faculty.

Amjad is extremely passionate about education, and you will often find him concocting new and innovative ways to make classically difficult topics simple. You can find him either lecturing in a classroom or pulling out a ventilator after rounds to have learners try out the various modes of ventilation on themselves. He has won multiple awards for his work in education and is one of the current coaches for the new Gateway Curriculum at WashU SOM. He is also the medical director for the Jefferson College Paramedic program and proud to be graduating his second class in June 2022.

Off campus, he loves to spend time with his three children Nadia (6), Malik (3) & Layla (2) and his better half Rehab (yes, she has heard all of the jokes before, but it actually means welcomeness & expanse in Arabic). His hobbies include fixing various household and mechanical objects by taking them apart and putting them back together (usually finding he somehow has extra parts & screws left over after the project is complete). You wouldn’t expect it, but he is quite good with a deck of cards and if you can corner him with one, he would be more than happy to show and teach you a trick or two. Finally, you can easily make his day by challenging him to game of chess anytime.