Karam Atli, MD
Resident Physician, PGY1
Karam Atli , MD, is a resident physician in the Department of Anesthesiology. Prior to joining Washington University in St. Louis for residency, she earned her MD at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and master’s degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Biodefense and National Security Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
She is an avid researcher and currently working on multiple large-scale multi-center clinical trials, studying patient recovery after total intravenous anesthetic versus inhaled anesthetic and the utilization of machine-augmented intraoperative monitoring in systematic quality improvement. She is interested in combining her background in biotechnology and national security with her clinical career as an anesthesiologist. Outside of work, she’s traveled to over 20 countries and enjoys exploring the local cuisine and culture. She enjoys playing the violin, dancing, and is working on attaining her pilot’s license.