Sam Erlinger, MD
Resident Physician, PGY2
Sam Erlinger is a current resident physician in the Department of Anesthesiology. For Sam, who is from St. Charles, WashU was the launching point a career in medicine when he was offered an opportunity while in high school at SLUH to work with physician-scientist mentors through a WUSM scholars program. Following this, he obtained his undergraduate degree in Biology and Spanish at Vanderbilt University and then went on to earn his MD at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine before returning home to St. Louis for residency. He is thrilled to be training at a leading institution with great mentors while also being near family and friends.
Clinically, he values the opportunity to provide safe care to critically ill patients, see a broad range of anesthetics and surgeries and work with faculty with diverse backgrounds and interests. Outside of the hospital, he enjoys backpacking, hiking, cycling, reading sci-fi, and playing guitar. He recently moved to Benton Park and is looking forward to exploring the area.