Brennan McMillan, MD

Brennan McMillan, MD

Attending Physician, Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning (CPAP); Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology

Carl McMullen, DO

Carl McMullen, DO

Associate Professor, Anesthesiology

Greg Miller, MD

Greg Miller, MD

Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology

Jeremiah  Morrissey, PhD

Jeremiah Morrissey, PhD

Research Professor, Anesthesiology

Daniel  Nieva, MD

Daniel Nieva, MD

Director of CSCC; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology

Dolores Njoku, MD

Dolores Njoku, MD

Vice Chair; Division Chief, Pediatric Anesthesiology; Anesthesiologist-in-Chief, St. Louis Children’s Hospital; Professor, Anesthesiology

Sydney Nykiel-Bailey, DO

Sydney Nykiel-Bailey, DO

Associate Program Director for Residency Program; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology

Ben  Palanca, MD, PhD

Ben Palanca, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Anesthesiology

Andrea Reidy, MD

Andrea Reidy, MD

Director of QA/QI; Attending Physician, Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning (CPAP)

Eduardo  Reina, MD

Eduardo Reina, MD

Associate Professor, Anesthesiology