In collaboration with the Department of Neuroscience, we are excited to offer an in-person mini-series focused on planning and delivery of teaching specifically for individuals or teams who lead/teach courses.

Session 1 (In Person): October 29th from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
This session will focus on instructional planning, emphasizing backward design principles, crafting objectives, and planning assessments.

Session 2 (In Person): November 5th from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
This session will focus on engaging learners in the classroom and structuring learning sessions.

Note: Location will be shared in the calendar invite prior to each session.

Anyone who teaches or supports a course (KISCs, Goldfarb, UHSP, Gateway courses, DBBS courses, etc.) is invited to sign up. If you have questions about whether these workshops would be helpful for you, please feel free to contact Rachel Moquin ( to learn more.


This event occurs in the past, and we are no longer taking RSVPs.