The over-arching aim of the Initiative for Quality Improvement, Research and Informatics (INQUIRI) is to discover and implement practical solutions that will improve quality and safety, leading to improved outcomes of surgical, peripartum, critically ill and chronic pain patients.
In order to achieve our goals, INQUIRI is strategically positioned at the intersection of informatics, research, and quality improvement. Information from electronic health records, hospital databases, and other datasets is assimilated, and rigorous research and quality assessment exercises are conducted. The improvements in patient care are facilitated by the provision of information to clinicians, researchers, and leaders in quality, and by implementation of quality improvement initiatives.
INQUIRI will work closely with other groups within the Department, such as the Division of Clinical and Translational Research (DoCTR) and all the clinical divisions, as well as with leaders in quality improvement in other clinical departments and in BJC HealthCare.