I primarily work nights so when I am working, my day outside of work and sleep is very limited. Nights allow me to spend the most time with my 6 and 8-year-old daughters which is why I do it for now. On days when I am not working, I spend a lot of time on catching up on admin duties and email.
Work Day:

Get home at 0730: Let my dog Gunner out who is anxiously waiting after having to stay 30 minutes in the crate because my wife and kids have left for work and school.
0730-0830: I quickly get into my workout gear and try to get a run and some weights in.
0830: Make a quick bite to eat and then shower.
930-1530: Finally in bed with the hopes to sleep until 1530, but most of the time that doesn’t happen.
1530: Quickly go through emails to make sure nothing urgent needs to be dealt with before my kids get home. The dog has got to go out—he is crazy now that no one has played with him all day and is anxiously waiting for the kids to get home.
1600: Making Dinner. My wife who is also a provider has been able to get the kids from the bus—that’s a good day or I would have had to get up earlier. Every day I make it a habitat to ask them what they did today. If they aren’t rushing off to soccer practice or gymnastics then they usually sit with me while I eat and mom makes their dinner.

1700: Off-to-work! Traffic on 141 and 44 is never predictable.
1734: Arrive at my parking spot and walk into work.
1750-0600: Start taking sign-out on ICU patients, rounds, look-up patients, labs, night plans, admissions, transfers, and preparation for sign-out. Depending on how the patients behave could be an exciting night…
Off day:

Pending coming off a night shift, I hate mornings. Unless I have military, meetings, or the kids need to go somewhere, I’m sleeping until 0900 on a good day!
0900-1000: Get up and go workout. If it’s nice out I’ll do some weights and take the dog for a run. If not, I hit the treadmill or elliptical and weights. I try to get a workout in at least five times a week because helps me clear my head.

1000: Check emails.
1030-1200: Lowes run—my favorite store. I plan on putting in a shower for the lake house. I found a few shower kits I like, and I text Jamie pictures to make sure we are on the same page. Pickup trim and paint. On weekends when we have time, the family goes down to Table Rock Lake where we were fortunate enough to purchase a house when COVID hit. We like to spend time working on the house and boating on the lake. I have been trying to get into fishing, but that really hasn’t panned out well. May need to spend more time on that one…

1230: Unpack the truck. Get home and relax on the couch, maybe trying to catch up on a few books that I have been reading. Able to get about an hour in before the dog wants to play.
Take Gunner out to play ball again.

1600: Pick kids up from the bus. It’s gymnastics night so I take Hailey home to work on math or reading with mom. Logan changes, then off to gymnastics until 1800. While I wait for her I catch up on some projects and emails. On nights when we aren’t at gymnastics, we are likely at volleyball with Hailey or soccer with the two of them. Kids keep us running!

1800: Home now—kids hit showers. Hopefully, dinner is made if Jamie’s home. If not, make something fast.
1900: Kids chill time with movies, then books.

1930: Kids finally have bedtime!
1930-2130: Follow up with Jamie on the day and tomorrow’s plans, then Netflix time. Jamie is likely asleep on the couch by 2100. Gunner is up and ready to play again.
2130: Dog out and hope I can get to sleep.