Categorical & Advanced Programs

Categorical (4-year) and advanced (3-year) programs

At the conclusion of residency, our graduates are qualified to perform independently in all areas of perioperative care and eligible to enter into the certification process by the American Board of Anesthesiology.

  1. Training begins with a comprehensive 12-month rotating internship, tailored to equip future anesthesiologists with a diverse range of essential skills.
  2. Training in clinical anesthesia begins with a 6-week tutorial period where new residents are paired with faculty for intensive clinical training and receive an intensive series of lectures on basic anesthetic practice and pharmacology. The remainder of the CA-1 and CA-2 years are spent rotating through all anesthetic subspecialties.
  3. The CA-3 year can be largely elective. Three months of rotations are required (preoperative assessment, postoperative care, and float). With the remainder of the time, you may pursue rotations that reflect your clinical and academic interests.

Research Training Programs

We offer two ABA- and ACGME- approved tracks for anesthesiologistscientists integrated into our residency program.

Academic Scholars Advancement Program (ASAP) An innovative accelerated program that integrates internship, residency, clinical fellowship, and 23 blocks (1 block = 4 weeks) of dedicated research time into a five-year period. Unique among anesthesiology residency training programs, ASAP provides for rapid advancement through the clinical competencies and traditional program requirements via individualized, mentored instruction. This program offers substantial career acceleration for clinician-scientists interested in pursuing both a clinical fellowship and research.

Scholars Program A flexible track that integrates approximately nine months of research time into a four year categorical residency program with an additional year of dedicated (80/20) research time. The Scholars Program is compatible with clinical fellowship on a traditional timeline but does not require completion of the clinical fellowship.

Applicants often apply to both the ASAP and the Scholars Program and can be considered for both tracks equally.