What is Regional Anesthesia?

Regional anesthesia entails rendering a specific area of the body (e.g. foot, arm, chest, abdomen) insensate to stimulus of surgery or other instrumentation. This can be accomplished with either the use of neuraxial anesthetics (i.e. spinals and/or epidurals) or via peripheral neural blockade. With these pain relieving procedures, patients can be spared the numerous side effects of excessive parenteral opiates. In addition, regional anesthesia increases patient satisfaction, aids in rehabilitation and decreases length of stay.

Regional Anesthesia at WashU Medicine

The division employs the latest techniques in regional anesthesia to address the acute pain needs of our patients including truncal blockade (paravertebral, TAP, blockade) as well as continuous peripheral nerve catheter infusions. With three block residents per rotation we perform approximately 250 regional anesthetic procedures per month. These blocks are performed via both ultrasound and nerve stimulation technique. Procedural experience is acquired in both the inpatient and outpatient populations. This experience is fortified through didactics, simulation workshops, and one-to-one bedside teaching.

Featured News

Welcome Dr. Kathleen Bickel

Welcome Dr. Kathleen Bickel
Dr. Kathleen Bickel has joined the Department of Anesthesiology as faculty with a split appointment in the Division of Regional and Ambulatory Anesthesia and the Division of Basic Research.

Dr. Ankita Satpute joins the Department of Anesthesiology

Dr. Ankita Satpute joins the Department of Anesthesiology
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Ankita Satpute joined the Department of Anesthesiology at Washington University in St. Louis on July 1, 2023.  She will have appointments in the Divisions of Regional and Ambulatory Anesthesiology and General Anesthesiology.

Dr. James Wirthlin joins the Department of Anesthesiology

Dr. James Wirthlin joins the Department of Anesthesiology
Dr. James Wirthlin has joined the Department of Anesthesiology at Washington University in St. Louis on July 1, 2022. He will have an Instructor appointment in the Divisions of Regional/Ambulatory and General Anesthesiology where he will perform his clinical work.