
Karam Atli, MD
Resident Physician, PGY1
Karam Atli , MD, is a resident physician in the Department of Anesthesiology. Prior to joining Washington University in St. Louis for residency, she earned her MD at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and master's degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Biodefense and National Security Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
She is an avid researcher and currently working on multiple large-scale multi-center clinical trials, studying patient recovery after total intravenous anesthetic versus inhaled anesthetic and the utilization of machine-augmented intraoperative monitoring in systematic quality improvement. She is interested in combining her background in biotechnology and national security with her clinical career as an anesthesiologist. Outside of work, she’s traveled to over 20 countries and enjoys exploring the local cuisine and culture. She enjoys playing the violin, dancing, and is working on attaining her pilot’s license.

Jacob AuBuchon, MD
Medical Student Director; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
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Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Jacob AuBuchon
Clinical Director of Pain / Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
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Jake AuBuchon
Jake grew up on a horse farm in Union, MO. His father worked as a part-time horse trainer, so much of his childhood was spent cleaning stalls, fixing fence, and going to horse shows around Missouri. He completed the combined degree program at the University of Missouri - Kansas City (Go Kangaroos!). After medical school, Jake completed his anesthesiology residency, pain management fellowship, and pediatric anesthesiology fellowship at Washington University. He also spent three months at Cincinnati Children's Hospital for additional pediatric pain medicine exposure. Jake is currently the Director of Pediatric Pain Management at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and his clinical practice focuses on pediatric acute and chronic pain management in addition to still l providing OR pediatric anesthesia. He also enjoys being involved in medical student and resident education. Outside of work, he loves spending time with my his wife, Sarah, and his 3 children (Owen, Bella, and Lucy). Family days usually involve going on hikes, biking, and being active.

Joseph Avery, MD
Medical School: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine

Michael Avidan, MBBCh, FCA SA
Dr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor of Anesthesiology; Head of the Department of Anesthesiology
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Founding Director of the Initiative for Quality Improvement, Research and Informatics (INQUIRI)
Admin; Lauren LaChance

Ramya Baddigam, MD
PGY-3 Resident
Ramya is a current second-year resident originally from southeast Michigan. She has slowly been moving further south to warmer climates following medical school at Ohio State University. She is currently undecided about which fellowship to pursue but is excited to complete CA-1 year to see the other subspecialties of anesthesia. Outside of work, Ramya is a foodie and enjoys exploring new restaurants both in St. Louis and abroad. She is also recently trying out rock climbing.

Kam Baggette
Kam has been a clinical nurse coordinator for the Pain Management Center since 2005. In her role as patient advocate, she guides the patients and their families in the referral process as well as providing information on chronic pain treatment modalities. Kam also acts as a physician liaison to promote practice growth and development. As new physicians join the Pain Center, she helps to build relationships with their referring colleagues which emphasizes the attending’s interests and expertise. She is blessed with a very supportive husband, and two talented children. In her spare time she enjoys distance running, biking and swimming.

Kevin Bai, MD
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University