
Catherine Foster, MD
Instructor, General Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine; Attending Physician, Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning (CPAP)
- Email: c.foster@wustl.edu

Brian Fuller, MD, MSCI
Associate Professor, Anesthesiology - Critical Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine
- Email: fullerb@wustl.edu

Preeta George, MD
Clinical Director of SIM; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
- Email: preeta.george@wustl.edu

Jason Gillihan, MD
Division Chief, Anesthesiology-Barnes Jewish West County Hospital; Associate Director, Clinical Anesthesiology-Barnes Jewish Hospital
- Email: gillihaj@wustl.edu
Admin; Erin Kennedy

Stephen Gregory, MD
Division Chief, Perioperative Medicine; Medical Director, Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning (CPAP)
- Email: shgregory@wustl.edu
Admin; Meredith McLaughlin

Russell Groener, MD
Assistant Residency Program Director; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
- Email: groenerr@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Ryan Guffey, MD
Associate Professor, Fellowship Director Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain
- Email: rguffey@wustl.edu
Admin; Lisa Parks