2022 Residency & Outstanding Teacher Award recipients announced

Every year, as the fourth-year residency class graduates, the Department of Anesthesiology likes to celebrate a select few residents who have made extraordinary accomplishments throughout the year. The graduating class also nominated a faculty member who has made the biggest impact on their clinical training for the annual outstanding teacher award.

We’re delighted to announce this year’s residency and outstanding teacher award recipients!

Nine residents place at 2022 MARC Conference

This past April, nine residents in the Department of Anesthesiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis placed at the 2022 Midwest Anesthesia Resident Conference (MARC). Residents competed against their colleagues from 34 Midwestern universities.  “We have strategically built our residency program so that our trainees are provided with the access to resources […]

Chief Residents Announced for 2022-2023

2022-23 Anesthesiology Chief Residents

We are excited to announce the Anesthesiology Chief Residents for the next 2022-2023 academic year will be Mark Hanak, MD, Manjaap Sidhu, MD, and Patricia Strutz, MD.

Allison Mitchell, MD, appointed Program Director for Residency Program

Allison Mitchell, MD

Dr. Mitchell will oversee the recruitment and training of a diverse and clinically excellent group of residents to become leaders in the field. She will continuously assess and improve our residency program and will be instrumental in the development of new initiatives focused on enhancing the training of our residents.

2021 Residency Graduation Celebration

On June 19, 2021, members of the Department of Anesthesiology gathered at Busch Stadium, home of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team, to recognize the graduating class of residents.