We are excited and proud to announce the Chief Residents for the 2023-24 academic year: Avi Dobrusin, MD, Samuel Erlinger, MD, and Mallory Hawksworth, MD. These outstanding individuals were selected through a vote by their resident peers and faculty. We want to extend our congratulations to them, as well as acknowledge the many highly qualified and deserving candidates in this year’s selection process.
Meet the Chief Residents

Avi Dobrusin, MD
Avi earned his Bachelor of Science (BS) in Anthropology and Human Biology from Emory University and his MD from Central Michigan University. He is interested in medical education and plans to pursue dual fellowships in critical care medicine and cardiothoracic anesthesiology following residency.

Samuel Erlinger, MD
Sam holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree with a dual major in Molecular Cellular Biology and Spanish from Vanderbilt University, and an MD from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. He is passionate about resident education and quality improvement and is planning to pursue a fellowship in cardiac anesthesiology after completing his residency.

Mallory Hawksworth, MD
Mallory earned her Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biology from the University of Notre Dame and her MD from the University of Illinois-Chicago. Her interests include medical education and women’s health. Mallory plans to pursue a fellowship in obstetric anesthesiology following residency.
Being a chief resident requires a unique balancing act between completing residency, representing the department throughout the hospital, advocating for and supporting current residents, and effectively communicating residents’ concerns to the department.
We are confident that Drs. Dobrusin, Erlinger, and Hawksworth will be outstanding chief residents and will do an excellent job in their new roles in the upcoming academic year.
Congratulations to our new Chief Residents!
Allison Mitchell, MD
Residency Program Director
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Sydney Nykiel-Bailey, DO
Associate Program Director for Residency
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
Douglas R. Thompson, MD
Vice-Chair for Education
Professor of Anesthesiology
Michael S. Avidan, MBBCh, FCASA
Dr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor of Anesthesiology
Head of the Department of Anesthesiology
Anesthesiologist-in-Chief, Barnes-Jewish Hospital