Well-being Word

December 13, 2024

The Well-being Word

Erin Herrera, CRNA
Erin Herrera, CRNA
Associate Vice-Chair of Well-Being

Hi Friends,

This month I had the pleasure of attending the Turkish Anesthesiology and Reanimation conference in Antalya, Turkey, along with Dr. Alanoglu and some of our Goldfarb SRNAs. It was a profound experience to really see first-hand the incredible global impact WUDA is making in anesthesiology! Research papers from our department were referenced in many of the talks, and I met anesthesiologist from all over the globe who are working and collaborating with our own colleagues. Our department really is a remarkable and impressive place and making a tremendous global impact. I am so proud to be a member of WUDA! 

I think sometimes it is easy to get bogged down in the minutia of our day-to-day tasks. We spend a lot of time worrying about room turn overs, add-on cases, EPIC inboxes, and charting, that it is sometimes hard to remember the impact we are having on our patients and the field of medicine. We do incredible things here in WUDA. We are saving lives, making huge advancements in science and work with some of the most impressive, brilliant folks on the planet.

This month, take some time to look around and really appreciate all the extraordinary, gifted, and kind people we have the pleasure of working alongside. Be inspired by some of the miraculous and breathtaking things we accomplish every day. Be wonderstruck at the “reanimation” that we achieve in our operating rooms!

No matter your role here in WUDA, YOU are contributing to the success of this department. You are part of the reason that we are known around the world as one of the best. Walk a little taller,  hold your head up high, and have pride that YOU are a member of WUDA!

Wishing you a joyful, healthy, inspired, and incredible new year!

Yours in wellness,


Here are some pictures from our trip to Turkey!

SAFE Accolades

The Department of Anesthesiology is proud to recognize 20 individuals who have received accolades through the SAFE (Supporting a Fair Environment) Reporting platform during the
First Quarter of Academic Year 2025-26.

SAFE Accolades Recipients

SAFE Reporting is an integral part of WashU Medicine’s ongoing efforts to ensure that we uphold the highest standards of professionalism in our workplaces and learning environments. It enables clinicians, scientists, educators, staff, residents, fellows, postdocs, students, and other members of our community to safely report either positive or concerning behaviors, with or without identifying themselves.

This tool is a key resource for recognizing outstanding contributions and flagging unprofessional or abusive behaviors. By utilizing the SAFE Accolades tool, members of our community help to cultivate an atmosphere where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

A Day in the Life of Deven Stepney

Ever wonder what it takes to foster professional growth and build an inclusive culture? Meet Deven Stepney, Program Manager for the Office of Professional Growth and Inclusive Culture.

From leading initiatives that empower individuals to cultivating a sense of belonging across teams, Deven’s day is all about creating opportunities for growth and connection. Whether organizing impactful workshops, or collaborating with leaders to shape inclusive strategies, Deven is a driving force for positive change within our department.

A Day in the Life of Deven Stepney

5:30 AM – Kickstart the Day with Purpose The day starts bright and early as I jump out of bed, ready to seize the day! After a quick stretch to wake up my body and mind, I check my emails while letting my dog out for a quick potty break. Then, it’s time to hit the shower and get dressed, ready to take on whatever comes my way!

7:30 AM – Commute & Mindset Mastery During my commute, I take a moment to center myself with prayer and worship, setting the tone for a positive and productive day ahead. As Program Manager for the Office of Professional Growth & Inclusive Culture in the Department of Anesthesiology, there’s always something exciting happening—from driving DEI initiatives to shaping professional development programs, to ensuring the well-being of our staff. Every day is an adventure!

8:00 AM – Campus Arrival & Team Sync-Up Once I arrive on campus (after that long “trek” from the parking garage!), I dive into the day. A quick good morning to everyone, and I hit the ground running, tackling projects and keeping the momentum strong!

4:00 PM – Project Checkpoints & Wrap-Up As the day winds down, I take some time to review the progress of ongoing projects and respond to any pending emails. This is my chance to catch up, ensure everything is running smoothly, and plan for tomorrow’s success. Any final updates help wrap things up nicely before the day ends.

5:30 PM – Unwind & Recharge After a productive day, it’s time for some much-needed downtime. My evenings are a mix of home chores, dinner, and walking my dog over to my mom’s house for quality family time. I also dedicate time to my community, attending meetings for the boards I sit on or engaging in community advocacy work. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Bible study fills my evenings, offering spiritual nourishment. If I manage to get home with a little time to myself, you’ll find me unwinding with HGTV and scrolling through TikTok—because, let’s be real, there’s always something that needs my attention!

Fall at WUDA!

Happy Holidays!

Save the Date for the third annual “Women of WUDA” retreat!

Saturday, April 5
8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Barnett on Washington

More information coming soon!


Peers in Anesthesiology Supporting a Fair Environment (PIA SAFE) is a peer-based program in the Department of Anesthesiology aimed to help address concerns about negative behaviors, conflicts, and microaggressions experienced by members of the department. We encourage all who want to advocate positive change within our department to become PIA SAFE champions. 

Reconnect deeply with your community

We are all wired to connect with others as social connections have been proven to boost our mental and physical well-being. Your community can help you navigate hard times, stress, and anxiety by providing the solace and support that you need. That’s why it’s important to proactively rebuild old connections and establish new relations within your community. 

Check out the following Calm resources to help you navigate loneliness and the feelings of grief that might come with it so you can rebuild your connections:  

  • Interconnectedness
    • Go beyond your normal circle of care so you can support them in moments of need.
  • Nurturing Relationships
    • Practice non-reactivity so you can establish healthier and happier connections with other people even during times of conflict.
  • Caring For Your Grief Series
    • Try guided practices with Lama Rod Owens and listen to his comforting words to get through times of loss and change. 
  • Combating Loneliness
    • Be at peace with your daily challenges by trying a simple mindfulness practice that’ll help you better connect with yourself and others.

Join a Calm App Webinar to learn how to personalize your app experience or deep dive into monthly themed topics to enhance your mental health toolkit.

WUDA Supporting Parents Group

This program not only aims to foster a supportive and connected community for parents within our department, but also serves as a tool for others so they can remain informed about important information about WashU/BJC benefits, policies, and more.

This group is dedicated to creating a resource hub and community where parents feel informed, empowered, and connected throughout their parenthood journey. We aim to provide easy access to information on all aspects of parenthood and to connect parents within our department.

The Well-developed Podcast

It is difficult to learn and perform well when you are not at your best. The Well-developed Podcast is a space to validate, normalize, and explore the ways we bring our whole selves to work. Learn how to capitalize on your own unique strengths, preferences, and sense of self to improve and develop your well-being!

Have an idea for a podcast topic? Share your suggestions using the form at the bottom of our webpage. Thanks for influencing our podcast’s evolution!

Take 2 for the Team

Introducing “Take 2 for the Team,” a new initiative and app designed to promote gratitude and positivity among our anesthesiology department’s team members. This digital peer-to-peer gratitude program encourages us all to take just 2 minutes each day to acknowledge and express gratitude towards a fellow team member.

You can find the app on our departmental INTRAnet, making it accessible to everyone in the department. Using the app is a breeze —simply compose a thank-you note, and your heartfelt “Thank You!” will be sent directly to your colleague’s inbox.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate our colleagues and their contributions to our well-being and happiness.