The Well-being Word
January 6, 2023

Associate Vice-Chair of Well-Being
Hello Friends—Happy 2023!
Have you set a well-being goal for yourself this year? The department has so many offerings to help you improve your well-being this year!
Do you want to add some movement to your day? We now officially have two workout areas at the School of Medicine campus in the Central West End (South Campus — 2nd Floor Peters Office & PVT — 2nd Floor Anesthesiology Offices). Stop by before or after work, or during a break, to spend a few minutes getting your body moving. We have everything from cardio machines and weights to yoga mats and foam rollers. Whether you need a sweat or a stretch you can do it in these fitness areas.

Would improving your mindfulness, meditation and sleep be beneficial? The department offers free access to the Calm App for you and up to five family members/friends. Follow this link to create an account and verify your WUSTL email address, then download the app and log in to enjoy unlimited access to your favorite resources.
Is personal and professional development your goal for the year? Sign up for our professional development program—cohort 2 begins in March. Learn more about your personal strengths and goals, and find new ways to grow and succeed in your career. Women of the department: join us at the WOW Women’s Retreat in February to kick-start your professional development goals.
Do you want to learn new ways to be an ally and support others? Join our PIA SAFE champions team or attend our many DEI offerings to learn new and impactful ways to support, encourage, and empower others. The Academy for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion recently posted NEW foundation offerings for 2023. Check out some of the courses online >>
Do you want to meet more people and deepen your connections with coworkers? Join us at one of the many social functions we host; including wellness walks, bike rides, therapeutic horticulture events, and many family-friendly activities! Check the calendar regularly for dates and details.

Is improving your sustainability on your goals list? Did you know that our anesthesiology offices were awarded a bronze award from the office of sustainability? A step as small as bringing a reusable coffee mug to work can make a huge impact on our sustainability impact as a department.
There are so many small changes you can make that can make a huge impact on your well-being! I encourage you to find something on this list that you have never tried before and give it a try. Don’t forget to check the departmental website often as we are launching and creating new well-being resources all the time.
As always, if you have any great ideas about how the department can better serve your well-being needs please reach out.
Yours in Wellness,
Champions Corner

Meghan Woodham, RN, SRNA
My name is Meghan, and I am a senior in Goldfarb’s DNP CRNA program. Prior to anesthesia school, I worked in the Trauma/Neuro ICU at Mercy St. Louis.
My husband and I live in South City with our golden retriever, Gunner. We love experiencing all the fun things the city offers (particularly the Tower Grove Farmer’s Market)!
My current goals as an SRNA wellness champion include:
1. Educating my classmates on resources available to us for mental and physical health.
2. Bringing educational wellness guest speakers to our school. (Upcoming: Imposter Syndrome with Erin Herrera)
3. Helping current students feel empowered to prioritize wellness and find their own unique routine.

Jenny Stephan, RN, SRNA
My name is Jenny. I am a graduate student at Goldfarb School of Nursing in the DNP- Nurse Anesthesia program as well as a former BJH 4400 Trauma/Surgical ICU nurse.
I enjoy spending my free time cooking new recipes, taking walks around Forest Park, and planning my next trip. The most unique places I’ve traveled to are Iceland and Thailand!
I am enthusiastic about wellness for healthcare workers. Specifically, I am passionate about student registered nurse anesthetist (SRNA) wellness because of the nature of the intense and stressful training. Meghan Woodham and I have championed a Wellness Committee within our program to bring awareness to this issue and improve the well-being of all future SRNAs. We plan on incorporating wellness initiatives and regular programming into the curriculum going forward at Goldfarb School of Nursing.
A Day in the Life of Shawn Reynolds, MSPA PA-C

Shawn is one of the APP Leads for the 44/78 ICUs as well as ACT/Codes for North Tower. He graduated from DeSales University and has been a Physician Assistant for 13.5 years. Shawn has worked in the Emergency Room, Neuro ICU, and is currently in the Trauma/Surgical ICU. Shawn is happily married and has two beautiful daughters. He is currently in the Army National Guard. Outside of work Shawn loves spending time with his wife and children, working out, and renovating their lake house. Read more about Shawn below!
A Day in the Life: Shawn Reynolds, MSPA PA-C
I primarily work nights so when I am working, my day outside of work and sleep is very limited. Nights allow me to spend the most time with my 6 and 8-year-old daughters which is why I do it for now. On days when I am not working, I spend a lot of time on catching up on admin duties and email.
Work Day:

Get home at 0730: Let my dog Gunner out who is anxiously waiting after having to stay 30 minutes in the crate because my wife and kids have left for work and school.
0730-0830: I quickly get into my workout gear and try to get a run and some weights in.
0830: Make a quick bite to eat and then shower.
930-1530: Finally in bed with the hopes to sleep until 1530, but most of the time that doesn’t happen.
1530: Quickly go through emails to make sure nothing urgent needs to be dealt with before my kids get home. The dog has got to go out—he is crazy now that no one has played with him all day and is anxiously waiting for the kids to get home.
1600: Making Dinner. My wife who is also a provider has been able to get the kids from the bus—that’s a good day or I would have had to get up earlier. Every day I make it a habitat to ask them what they did today. If they aren’t rushing off to soccer practice or gymnastics then they usually sit with me while I eat and mom makes their dinner.

1700: Off-to-work! Traffic on 141 and 44 is never predictable.
1734: Arrive at my parking spot and walk into work.
1750-0600: Start taking sign-out on ICU patients, rounds, look-up patients, labs, night plans, admissions, transfers, and preparation for sign-out. Depending on how the patients behave could be an exciting night…
Off day:

Pending coming off a night shift, I hate mornings. Unless I have military, meetings, or the kids need to go somewhere, I’m sleeping until 0900 on a good day!
0900-1000: Get up and go workout. If it’s nice out I’ll do some weights and take the dog for a run. If not, I hit the treadmill or elliptical and weights. I try to get a workout in at least five times a week because helps me clear my head.

1000: Check emails.
1030-1200: Lowes run—my favorite store. I plan on putting in a shower for the lake house. I found a few shower kits I like, and I text Jamie pictures to make sure we are on the same page. Pickup trim and paint. On weekends when we have time, the family goes down to Table Rock Lake where we were fortunate enough to purchase a house when COVID hit. We like to spend time working on the house and boating on the lake. I have been trying to get into fishing, but that really hasn’t panned out well. May need to spend more time on that one…

1230: Unpack the truck. Get home and relax on the couch, maybe trying to catch up on a few books that I have been reading. Able to get about an hour in before the dog wants to play.
Take Gunner out to play ball again.

1600: Pick kids up from the bus. It’s gymnastics night so I take Hailey home to work on math or reading with mom. Logan changes, then off to gymnastics until 1800. While I wait for her I catch up on some projects and emails. On nights when we aren’t at gymnastics, we are likely at volleyball with Hailey or soccer with the two of them. Kids keep us running!

1800: Home now—kids hit showers. Hopefully, dinner is made if Jamie’s home. If not, make something fast.
1900: Kids chill time with movies, then books.

1930: Kids finally have bedtime!
1930-2130: Follow up with Jamie on the day and tomorrow’s plans, then Netflix time. Jamie is likely asleep on the couch by 2100. Gunner is up and ready to play again.
2130: Dog out and hope I can get to sleep

Saturday, February 4 | 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Join us on February 4th, from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., for our inaugural Women of WUDA retreat at the beautiful Wild Carrot event space!
This retreat will be an incredible morning of women-focused professional development, wellness activities, and networking opportunities.
RSVP by Monday, Jan. 16!
View the tentative schedule & RSVP
A few minutes of daily movement is all it takes to start improving your overall well-being. Let’s all start sprinkling small, gentle movements throughout our workday and take a quick healthy break.
Here are some recommendations from Calm, our mental wellness partner, that you can incorporate into your routine:
- Mindful Walking Series – A guided meditation series for you to start walking mindfully.
- Jump Start Your Day – Gently wake up your body in the morning and do some light stretches on your bed.
- Your Daily Relaxation – Relax your upper and lower body with quick stretches and mindful breathing techniques.
- Shaking Off The Workday – Shake off any tension in your body from the workday with these full-body exercises.