
Mark Arcario, MD, PhD
ACTA Fellow (2021)
Medical School: University of Illinois-Urbana
Residency: Washington University in St. Louis — Anesthesiology (ASAP Scholar)

Mark Arcario, MD, PhD
Mark is a third-year resident originally from Orlando, FL. He completed the Medical Scholars Program at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, earning an M.D. and a Ph.D. in Computational Biophysics. He is on the ASAP Residency Research Track and is looking forward to starting his Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology fellowship next year. His research interests are focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of general anesthesia and developing new computational tools to tackle biomedical problems. When not training to be a future leader in the field of Anesthesiology, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Rachael, and daughter, Eleanor, as well as playing bass guitar.

Kelsey Arends, MBA
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Kelsey Arends is a member of the Marketing & Communications team within the Department of Anesthesiology at WashU Medicine. With a Bachelor of Journalism from the Missouri School of Journalism, Kelsey thrives on the art of storytelling and content creation, crafting captivating stories that bring her colleagues’ work to life.
Prior to transitioning to the Medical School, Kelsey served on the Danforth Campus in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as a marketing and communications strategist. During this time, she pursued her MBA part-time at Olin Business School, graduating in 2023. She has enjoyed using this new skillset in her role at WUDA.
In her free time, Kelsey enjoys being outside, whether that’s running, walking her dog, Willa, traveling to places where she can hike, reading a good book, or spending time with the people she loves in the sunshine. She is running 50 (half or full) marathons in every state, so you can find her running the perimeter of Forest Park on any given morning.
Kelsey is so thankful to work with such amazing colleagues and is honored to be the Q2 2024 Employee of the Quarter. She is looking forward to many more years at WashU!

Maureen Arends
Executive Assistant to the Chair
Maureen began her journey in Washington University Anesthesiology Department in 2002 as the transcriptionist for the CTICU intensivists and admin to the Director of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Dr. Eric Jacobsohn. In 2006, Dr. Avidan became the division chief of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology with Maureen expanding her indispensable role within the division. As Dr. Avidan transitioned to the chief of the Division of Clinical and Translational Research (DoCTR), Maureen transitioned seamlessly to work with the clinical research program, where she made substantial contributions to investigators, helping with the rapid and impressive growth of the clinical and translational research program. In 2019, Dr. Avidan became chair of the department, and Maureen served as administrator to Dr. Ellen Lockhart, Vice Chair for Faculty Development, and Dr. Courtney Hardy, Vice Chair for Clinical Operations, before becoming Dr. Avidan’s assistant in 2020. Maureen is looking forward to retiring at the end of this academic year, traveling to visit friends and family.

Umeshkumar Athiraman, MD, MBBS
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of Neuroanesthesia
Dr. Umeshkumar Athiraman is currently an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Neurological Surgery and the Director of Neuroanesthesia. His laboratory research is focused on understanding the underlying mechanisms of anesthetic conditioning-induced neurovascular protection and developing anesthetic conditioning as a therapeutic tool for various central and peripheral nervous system disorders. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and children.

Karam Atli, MD
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine