George Richard Benzinger III, MD, PhD
Interim Vice Chair for Education
- Email: benzingerg@nospam.wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Jacob AuBuchon, MD
Medical Student Director; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
- Email: jdaubuchon@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Jamie Brown-Shpiegel, MD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology; Assistant Residency Program Director of Recruitment, Integration, and Wellbeing; Trauma Fellowship Program Director
- Email: jamiebrown@wustl.edu

Lauren Gibson, MBA, MHA
Director of Education & Business Administration
- Email: lgibson@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Russell Groener, MD
Assistant Residency Program Director; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
- Email: groenerr@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Mohammed Helwani, MD, MSPH
Assistant Residency Program Director of Ultrasound and Perioperative Technology Program; Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: helwanim@wustl.edu

Bernadette Henrichs, PhD, CRNA, CCRN, CHSE
Director, CRNA Education and Research; Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program
- Email: henrichsb@wustl.edu

Anand Lakshminarasimhachar, MD
POD 1 Leader; Professor of Anesthesiology; Assistant Residency Program Director
- Email: lakshmia@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Allison Mitchell, MD
Residency Program Director; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
- Email: mitchela@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Rachel Moquin, EdD
Associate Vice-Chair for Faculty and Educator Development; Assistant Professor
- Email: moquin@wustl.edu
Admin; Deven Stepney

Aaron Norris, MD, PhD
Residency Program Director for Research and Scholarship; Neuroanesthesia Fellow 2016-17
- Email: norrisa@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Sydney Nykiel-Bailey, DO
Associate Program Director for Residency Program; Associate Professor, Anesthesiology
- Email: nykiels@wustl.edu

Kendall Smith, MD, PhD
Assistant Residency Program Director, Residency Affairs
- Email: smith.s@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Becky Snider Eickmeyer
Assistant Director of Education
- Email: sniderr@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn