Kayla Hewitt
Executive Secretary
- Email: hewittk@wustl.edu
Regional and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Divisions
Assists Dr. Mitchell Fingerman (Regional), and Drs. TJ Graetz and Tracey Stevens (CT)

Erin Kennedy
Executive Secretary
- Email: kennedye@wustl.edu
General Anesthesiology
Assists Drs. Ivan Kangrga, Jason Gillihan, Justin Knittel, and Molly McCormick

Lauren LaChance
Assistant to the Chair
- Phone: (314) 273-3089
- Email: lachance@wustl.edu
Executive Administration Office
Assists Dr. Michael Avidan

Jen Mahan
Staffing Admin; Fellowship Coordinator
- Email: jennifer.mahan@wustl.edu
General (Trauma) Anesthesiology

Meredith McLaughlin
Executive Secretary
- Email: m.mclaughlin@wustl.edu
Pediatric Anesthesiology, Obstetric Anesthesiology, and Perioperative Medicine Divisions
Assists Drs. Dolores Njoku, Arvind Palanisamy, and Stephen Gregory

Tiffany Peppers-Boster
Division Administrator
- Email: tpeppers@wustl.edu
Pediatric Anesthesiology
Assists Drs. Dolores Njoku and Kelly Chilson

Gemma Smith
Executive Secretary
- Email: gemma.smith@wustl.edu
Critical Care Division
Assists Division Leadership

Amber Spies
Program Coordinator
- Email: spiesa@wustl.edu
Division of Research
Washington University Pain Center
Assists Drs. Robert Gereau and Jose Moron-Concepcion

Charlotte Stout
Administrative Coordinator II
- Email: cstout@wustl.edu
Executive Administration Office
Assists Corrin Noel, Audrey Vincent, Anne DeSchryver, Dr. Lattanand, and Dr. Higo.

Alana Suchman
Executive Secretary
- Email: alanas@wustl.edu
Critical Care Division
Assists Dr. Anne Drewry

Lydia Swink
Administrative Assistant
- Email: swink@wustl.edu
Cardiothoracic and Obstetric Anesthesiology Divisions
Assists Drs. Daniel Emmert and Danish Jaffer