Michael Avidan, MBBCh, FCA SA
Dr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor of Anesthesiology; Head of the Department of Anesthesiology
- Email: avidanm@nospam.wustl.edu
Founding Director of the Initiative for Quality Improvement, Research and Informatics (INQUIRI)
Admin; Lauren LaChance
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Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH
Associate Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Email: ablordeppeye@wustl.edu
Admin; Deven Stepney

George Richard Benzinger III, MD, PhD
Interim Vice Chair for Education
- Email: benzingerg@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn

Anne K. DeSchryver, JD
Executive Director of Business Operations
- Email: adeschryver@wustl.edu
Admin; Charlotte Stout

Anne Drewry, MD
Vice Chair; Division Chief, Critical Care Medicine
- Email: drewrya@wustl.edu
Admin; Gemma Smith & Alana Suchman

Robert Gereau, PhD
Vice Chair for Research; Division Chief, Washington University Pain Center; Dr. Seymour & Rose T. Brown Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: gereaur@wustl.edu
Admin; Amber Spies

Erin Herrera, CRNA
Associate Vice Chair for Well-Being; Assistant Director for CRNA Activities
- Email: erinherrera@wustl.edu
Admin; Deven Stepney

Ivan Kangrga, MD, PhD
Vice Chair for Health System Liaison; Director of Quality and Safety for Perioperative Services
- Email: kangrgai@wustl.edu
Admin; Erin Kennedy

Chak Lattanand, MD, MBA
Vice Chair for Clinical Operations
- Email: lattanac@wustl.edu
Admin; Charlotte Stout

Rachel Moquin, EdD
Associate Vice-Chair for Faculty and Educator Development; Assistant Professor
- Email: moquin@wustl.edu
Admin; Deven Stepney

Dolores Njoku, MD
Vice Chair; Division Chief, Pediatric Anesthesiology; Anesthesiologist-in-Chief, St. Louis Children’s Hospital
- Email: njoku@wustl.edu
Admin; Meredith McLaughlin