Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH

Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH

Associate Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Michael  Avidan, MBBCh, FCA SA

Michael Avidan, MBBCh, FCA SA

Dr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor of Anesthesiology; Head of the Department of Anesthesiology

Founding Director of the Initiative for Quality Improvement, Research and Informatics (INQUIRI)

Admin; Lauren LaChance

Archana Bharadwaj, MD, MPH, CHES

Archana Bharadwaj, MD, MPH, CHES

Central Michigan University College of Medicine

WU Scholar

Abby Bisch, DNP, CRNA

Abby Bisch, DNP, CRNA

CRNA Mentorship Co-Director

Kara Bockius

Kara Bockius

Fellowship Coordinator

Critical Care Division

Jamie Brown-Shpiegel, MD

Jamie Brown-Shpiegel, MD

Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology; Assistant Residency Program Director of Recruitment, Integration, and Wellbeing; Trauma Fellowship Program Director

Kelly  Chilson, MD

Kelly Chilson, MD

Clinic Director of CT Pediatric Anesthesiology; Professor, Anesthesiology