Congratulations to Enyo Ablordeppy, MD, MPH, FACEP, FCCM, associate vice chair for diversity, equity and inclusion, co-director of 7800 surgical ICU, co-director of the critical care ultrasound training program and attending in the Emergency Department; Sunny Lou, MD, PhD, an Academic Scholars Advancement Program (ASAP) resident, and cardiothoracic anesthesiology fellow; and Allison Mitchell, MD, residency program director, who were elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA) Honor Medical Society Class of 2022.
Election to AΩA is a life-long honor that signifies a physician’s dedication and commitment to professionalism, leadership, scholarship, research, and community service.
Dr. Ablordeppey was elected as one of eight faculty to the AΩA Honor Medical Society class of 2022. She has been widely recognized as an outstanding and inspiring educator. She has played an important role in expanding critical care services, most notably during the COVID-19 pandemic, and her contributions as co-director of the 7400 ICU have been substantial. Her research focus is implementation science, with a strong emphasis on translating point-of-care ultrasound into clinical practice.
Dr. Lou was elected as one of 14 house officers to the AΩA Honor Medical Society class of 2022. She is currently a clinical fellow and will transition to full-time faculty in July 2022. Her research passions include clinical informatics and machine learning models to create and implement predictions that impact patient care. Her latest project measures inpatient clinician work patterns and inter-professional communication and was awarded $50,000 from the AMA to use toward this project. Dr. Lou has a plethora of experiences and is passionate about medicine, and therefore will make a wonderful addition to the AΩA Honor Medical Society.
Dr. Mitchell was also elected as faculty to the AΩA Honor Medical Society class of 2022. She is an excellent clinician and leader. Her passion for resident education has led her to initiate our Resilience, Career Development, and Leadership curriculum, spearhead multiple wellness initiatives, and participate in the launch of Raising Anesthesiology Diversity and Anti-Racism (RADAR), a national initiative aimed at increasing diversity and advancing anti-racism in academic anesthesiology.
We are very proud of Drs. Ablordeppy, Lou, and Mitchell, and know they will be positive role models in AΩA, and continue to share their unique perspectives and provide thoughtful leadership as members of the society.
“Doctors Ablordeppey, Lou, and Mitchell are strongly committed to clinical excellence, knowledge generation and dissemination, and servant leadership. They embody many of the qualities we admire and seek to emulate,” says Michael Avidan, MBBCh, FCA SA, head of the Department of Anesthesiology. “Their election to the AΩA Honor Medical Society is richly deserved and is a credit to our specialty and our department.”
View the full list WashU School of Medicine AΩA Chapter 2022 inductees here. Learn more about AΩA on its website.