As each academic year concludes, the Department likes to recognize and celebrate those residents who have made extraordinary accomplishments throughout the year. The graduating residency class also nominates a faculty member who has made the biggest impact on their clinical training, and a residency-wide vote is held to award the annual outstanding teacher award. We are delighted to announce this year’s residency award recipients as well as the Outstanding Teacher award recipient.

Necita L. Roa Award recipient:
Tamanna Huda, MD
Selected by program leadership, the Roa Award recognizes a member of the graduating resident class for their citizenship, essential attributes, and contributions to the program. Dr. Huda will begin a pediatric anesthesia fellowship in the Department of Anesthesia at WashU on July 1, 2021.

Peter E. Krucylak Award recipient:
Benjamin French, MD
Selected by the cardiothoracic anesthesia faculty, this prize recognizes an outstanding 3rd year resident in the area of cardiothoracic anesthesia. Dr. French will begin a cardiothoracic fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the coming academic year.

Leonard W. Fabian Award recipient:
Manjaap Sidhu, MD
Presented to the outstanding first-year resident, who was voted on by all of the department faculty. The recipient represents the ideals of the department: professionalism, commitment to high academic standards, and clinical performance. Dr. Sidhu will continue his residency training with us, serving as a wellness champion in the coming year.

Outstanding Teacher Award:
Adithya Bhat, MD
Dr. Bhat joined the faculty in 2019, where he quickly distinguished himself as an educator by sharing his passion for providing safe anesthetic care for high-risk pregnancies with the residents during their obstetric anesthesiology rotations.
Congratulations to all the recipients and graduates!