Every year, as the fourth-year residency class graduates, the Department of Anesthesiology likes to celebrate a select few residents who have made extraordinary accomplishments throughout the year. The graduating class also nominated a faculty member who has made the biggest impact on their clinical training for the annual outstanding teacher award.
We’re delighted to announce this year’s residency and outstanding teacher award recipients!

Outstanding Teacher Award: Anand Lakshminarasimhachar, MD
Selected through a voting process by the residents, this award recognizes a faculty member who has made significant and positive impacts in the education of residents in a given academic year.
“From lap chole’s to complex cardiac cases, it seems like Dr. Lak (affectionately abbreviated) does it all! As a resident, seeing your name next to his on the schedule is always exciting because you know you’re going to learn something new,” said Christian Guay, MD, 2021-22 chief resident. “In addition to intraoperative teaching, Dr. Lak also dedicates his time to leading an echocardiography curriculum in our south simulation lab and is always willing to share meditation techniques. Although selecting a single faculty member for this award is difficult, Dr. Lak is undeniably very deserving of the recognition.”
Dr. Lakshminarasimhachar is an associate professor and works in the cardiothoracic and general anesthesiology divisions. He is also the Director of Resident Education.

Peter E. Krucylak Award: Christian Guay, MD
Selected by the cardiothoracic anesthesia faculty, this prize recognizes an outstanding fourth-year resident in the area of cardiothoracic anesthesia.
“I have had the privilege of getting to know Dr. Christian Guay well over the last four years,” said Michael S. Avidan, MBBCh, FCA SA, head of the department. “He is undoubtedly one of the most thoughtful, committed, and hard-working academic anesthesiology trainees whom I have had the pleasure to mentor in the CTOR and CTICU.”
Dr. Guay will begin a Critical Care & Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital in the coming academic year.

Leonard W. Fabian Award: Avi Dobrusin, MD
Presented to the outstanding first-year resident, who was voted on by all department faculty. The recipient represents the ideals of the department: professionalism, commitment to high academic standards, and clinical performance.
“While difficult to single out just one recipient for this year’s Fabian Award, ultimately, we landed on Dr. Avi Dobrusin for his consistent demonstrated commitment to high academic standards, clinical excellence, and professionalism,” said Douglas Thompson, MD, vice-chair for education.
Dr. Dobrusin will continue his residency training with us in the coming year.

Necita L. Roa Award: Kiran Shah, MD
Selected by program leadership, the Roa Award recognizes a member of the graduating resident class for their citizenship, essential attributes, and contributions to the program.
“Kiran has been a wonderful clinician and great teammate to her fellow residents,” said Allison Mitchell, MD, residency program director. “Her poise, dedication, and spirit make her a joy to work with!”
Dr. Shah will begin an Obstetric Anesthesiology Fellowship in the department on July 1, 2022.
Congratulations to all the recipients and graduates!