A POD Leader is a crucial member of the anesthesia team, responsible for overseeing a group of operating rooms (POD – Perioperative Department) to ensure optimal patient care and operational efficiency. They support anesthesia providers (MDs, CRNAs, residents, trainees) by managing resources, maintaining appropriate OR time-break ratios, and being available in crisis situations. POD Leaders also facilitate communication with other teams, coordinate daily schedules, manage staffing for the next day, and participate in safety and quality projects.

Selma Ishag, MBBS, MD, PhD
PACU/Remote Leader; Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: ishags@wustl.edu

Muthuraj Kanakaraj, MD, FRCA, EDIC
POD 5 Leader; Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
- Email: m.kanakaraj@wustl.edu

Anand Lakshminarasimhachar, MD
POD 1 Leader; Professor of Anesthesiology; Assistant Residency Program Director
- Email: lakshmia@wustl.edu
Admin; Shirley Vaughn