Congratulations to Jacob AuBuchon, MD, Bernadette Henrichs, PHD, CRNA, CCRN, CHSE, and Amjad Musleh, MD, for being selected as members to the Academy of Educators at Washington University School of Medicine.
In addition to being selected as a member into the Academy of Educators, Musleh is a recipient of the 2022 Rising Star Award—an award that recognizes a current Washington University faculty member who shows exceptional promise as an educator.
As members, AuBuchon, Henrichs, and Musleh will collaborate with other educators to foster a culture of educational excellence and an institutionally valued community of leaders in health science education.
The Academy’s mission is to:
- Foster an environment where education is highly valued and conducted at the highest level.
- Encourage and recognize innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment.
- Provide advocacy for education in the promotions process.
- Organize mentorship and faculty development programs in medical education.
- Support exceptional educational research and scholarship in the health sciences.

AuBuchon has a passion to improve educational experiences throughout perioperative medicine for all levels of training which includes undergraduate and medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty; a passion which he fulfills in his many roles within the Washington University School of Medicine. AuBuchon is the director of medical student education for our department, and he created and developed the curriculum of the first combined pediatric and adult pain medicine fellowship track at WashU. He also serves as the rotation director for the pediatric pain rotation for residents and serves as the faculty-at-large for the Committee on Oversight of Medical School Education.
In addition, AuBuchon serves as the director of pediatric pain medicine at St. Louis Children’s Hospital—this includes leading the chronic pediatric pain clinic, pediatric regional anesthesia, and the acute pain service. Since he has become the director, he has increased our pediatric regional anesthesia over 500 percent, doubled the pediatric clinic size, and added two psychologists, two physical therapists, and started a new fellowship track.

Henrichs is a pillar of the CRNA community in Missouri and the region. She is the program director for the Nurse Anesthesia Program, which has received national and international recognition for excellence. Her service as a leader in CRNA education is represented by her numerous publications on the education and training of nurse anesthetists, including “A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators”, now in its second edition. Hendrichs is also a reviewer for the AANA Journal and Clinical Simulation in Nursing. She established the Watanabe-Henrichs Endowed Scholarship Fund which awards senior-level students funds to help them pay for their education.

Musleh is a gifted educator and is highly regarded by his colleagues. He has exhibited an active interest and specialization for teaching to multiple learner groups, from medical students to residents and fellows in training as well as Advanced Practice Practitioners and faculty. He prioritizes bedside teaching during ICU rounds and while managing patients in the Emergency Department.
Musleh is inspirational in his broad knowledge of critical care medicine and his ability to implement PoCUS into patient care management. He has advanced training in PoCUS and has demonstrated the ability to teach and translate this knowledge to others. He has been an instructor at critical care ultrasound workshops for many years and has provided didactic education during our multidisciplinary critical care lecture series on echocardiography topics.
Musleh currently serves as the co-medical director of the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Acute Care Team, the medical director of Jefferson College Paramedic Program, and the medical director of the Des Peres Department of Public Safety.
Our department is strengthened through AuBuchon, Henrichs, and Musleh’s dedication to excellence in the education and training of future anesthetists.
We know Aubuchon, Henrichs, and Musleh will be highly-valued contributors to the Washington University Academy of Educators!